You can call me a lot of things, but unremarkable isn't one of them.
Jason Fried, in his latest column for Inc. magazine--well, last month's--deplores the quotidian, the ordinary, the average in business writing.
Mostly, he deplores that it's rampant.
Oh, yeah, and way counterproductive.
The post reminded me why I should be more active on this blog, and proactive generally about selling my writing skills.
I'm not a wizard with a financial statement, planning an IPO, or even preparing a SWOT analysis.
My knowledge of HTML is strictly rudimentary. I don't see what's so simple about RSS. And my Office skills can use some polishing.
But I can write good sentences.
Jason's article reminds me how valuable a skill that is.
Thanks, Jason.
Jason Fried, who writes a column each month for Inc. magazine, recently published ReWork with his partner at 37signals.com, Heinemeier Hansson.
I spent most of today memorizing how to spell "Heinemeier Hansson," and clearly it's paid off. I've just used it in two consecutive sentences.
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